Sunday, September 28, 2014

Holy shit

So here's a cool thing we have to announce...our fourth show will be with the legendary EYEHATEGOD on Halloween, coming through with Iron Reagan and Power Trip.  Portland death grinders Bastard Feast are joining us, as well as Seattle's He Whose Ox is Gored.  This night is going to be insane.  Don't miss it.  Get advance tickets at

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Just the beginning...

We have a lot of shit to announce in the coming weeks.  All I can say is we are lucky to have the friends we do and live in the city we do at this moment in time.  Seriously keep your eyes peeled for some shit coming up.  In the meantime, I highly suggest you listen to the new Earth record.

Monday, September 1, 2014


Last night was great.  Dispirit is an incredible band.  Thanks for coming, if you did.  Here's a clip of our set:

Our next show is Tuesday, September 23rd at Starlite once again with The Helm and Old Iron.  Come hang out.